Somatic Movement

Rather than talk about it, somatic exercises guide you to focus on the underlying physical sensations. From there, the mind-body exercises may include breath work, meditation, visualization, massage, grounding, dance, and/or sensation awareness work.

Any somatic practice that uses the mind-body connection to help you survey your internal self and listen to signals your body sends about areas of pain, discomfort, or imbalance. These practices allow you to access more information about the ways you hold on to your experiences in your body.

Here are a selection of experts in the field of somatic exercising to start you on your journey, We hope you enjoy them.


Somatic Yoga

Art Therapy Classes

People have been relying on the arts for communication, self-expression, and healing for thousands of years. Doctors note that individuals living with trauma often expressed themselves in drawings and other artworks, which led many to explore the use of art as a healing strategy.

The use of artistic therapy to treat trauma is a technique rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and well-being. Art has become an important part of the therapeutic field and is used in some assessment and treatment techniques.

Benefits of Art Therapy: According to a study published in the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, less than an hour of creative activity can reduce stress and have a positive effect on your mental wellbeing regardless of artistic experience or talent. An art therapist may use a variety of art methods, including drawing, painting, and sculpture. Clients who have experienced trauma, violence, sexual harm, anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues can benefit from expressing themselves creatively.

It's Not the Same as, Art Class: You don’t need to be Michael Angelo to attend, you don’t need to have artistic ability or special talent to participate in art therapy, Research suggests that to just the presence of art can play a part in boosting mental wellbeing.

Course Information: The Road Forward offers survivors the opportunity to work either individually with a coach or in group sessions.

Each class will be approximately 1.5 hours long and will cover topics regarding

Art Therapy Topic’s: Self/whanau, Emotions, Stuckness, Where in the body, Self/outside of self, Reaching out, Look around you, What’s next/ Self-portrait.

Course length: 8 weeks

Courses cost: Free

Equipment’s provided

Course host: Lesley Watkins – The Road Forward Kapiti office

To register and become the next Picasso

Contact Lesley

022 495 9080


There’s an old saying, we are what we eat. Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy. An example of nutrition is the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.

There isn’t a one size fits all in nutrition, we are all so different – If you would like more information on nutrition.